Standing on the edge of the sky


Painted on board, protected with a clear wax coat, mounted on board and framed with a slab tray frame in white wood. 

Painted from memory after a rainy, stormy day at Boscrigan. I wanted to create a sense of anticipation of the rainstorm and the intense light that often precedes a heavy shower. I amplified the deep tones of the sky with Paynes Grey applied in layers over a rough primed board, the primer brushmarks helping to create a sense of rain and light. I used neat Lemon Yellow on the horizon for the fresh spring greens seen in the intense light. I love the energy created by the raw slab of yellow beneath the deep grey. This has an acrylic underpainting and I like seeing these first layers poking through the oil and cold wax textures. The title is unashamedly borrowed from the brilliant Richard Hawley, an amazing music artist from Sheffield.