

The power of pink. This is a garden inspired painting, capturing the low sun on an autumn morning as it sparkles through the glowing embers of blooms, fringed pink in the light. Pink roses, pink peonies, exuberant with life. It is my favourite time of year and my garden is one of my happiest places. The word “bloom” suggests life, potential, emerging shoots. Soft grey green foliage offset the flower heads. I am intrigued by flower paintings, how to bring an abstract sensibility and raw energy to a subject which can easily become stereotypical. A theme I will be exploring much more. The painting is built up of many layers of paint mixed with cold wax, intense hues then knocked back, a tapestry of colour and texture. 

Price includes a beautiful wood tray frame, stained in either black or white according to your preference - please contact me to discuss.