Swimming into the sunbeam, Grebe

Keeping things simple as I want to create that feeling of meditative calm just before immersion, taking in the view as you come down the path with this glorious expanse of green water to dive into and the overhead trees a familiar presence. The sun shimmers behind them, emerging from the clouds and creating sparkles of light. I love to "swim into the sunbeam" - it makes you feel warmer even if it is just an illusion. I loved building up layers of sparkles in this, to create the feeling of squinting into the sun and being immersed in the light. Shafts of sunlight wrap around the trees and create a sense of energy. The shingle beach shows the traces of the outgoing tide, textures of the stones forming patterns that change every day with every tide. Have enjoyed working at the larger scale again, has been a while. The size makes the colours wrap around you and create that immersive experience. 

Available in black or white tray frame.